Contemporary Flare
10:00 AM10:00

Contemporary Flare

The Contemporary Flare Festival is open to all students, playing all levels of original contemporary literature. Repertoire is limited to composers (including Impressionistic/transitional composers) who died in or after 1900.
Contemporary Flare is held in May. Applications should be available by April.

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Classical and Romantic Showcases
10:00 AM10:00

Classical and Romantic Showcases

The two festivals are open to all students, playing all levels of original Classical and Romantic literature. Classical will be scheduled for a Saturday and Romantic for Sunday, each will have a separate online sign up. These two festivals are held in November. Applications should be available by October.

These two show cases alternate each year. It is recommended for students with CM level 2 and above.

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Masquerade Concert
11:30 AM11:30

Masquerade Concert

This is a fun, non-competitive recital with no requirements. It usually attracts the younger students who are invited to come in costume. Participants receive a treat bag. Registration fees contribute to fund branch events.

I recommend this for young beginners with no prior experience in competitions or CM.

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